Premium Blend Grass Seed:
- Our #1 seller for newly seeded lawns.
- Kentucky Bluegrass, creeping Red Fescue, perennial Ryegrass blend
- It comes in 10 kg and 25kg bags.
- Contains 45% Kentucky Bluegrass.
- Will provide a reasonably good quality home lawn under medium maintenance conditions.
- Recommended rate is 2.4kg - 4kg/100m2 (5-8lb/1000ft2).
All Purpose Blend Grass Seed:
- Ideal for quick-cover.
- Kentucky Bluegrass, Creeping red Fescue, Annual and Perennial Ryegrass blend
- Contains 10% Kentucky Bluegrass
- It comes is 10kg and 25kg bags.
- Germinates quickly.
- Ideal for rough areas such as barn yards or road sides.
- Recommended rate is 2.4kg – 4kg/100m2 (5-8lb/1000ft2).
Shade Blend:
- Grows well in shaded areas.
- Creeping Red Fescue, Annual and Perennial Ryegrass with some Kentucky Bluegrass blend
- It comes in 10kg bags.
Fescue Mix (Eco-Lawn):
- Will provide a low to medium quality turf on cemeteries, home lawns, parks and roadsides.
- Very tolerant to dry shade conditions under well drained conditions but will grow well in full sun under low management.
- One of the most low energy grass ground covers available.
- It comes in 10kg